//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Period_ConverterALL.mq4 | //| Original Copyright © 2005, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //| http://www.metaquotes.net | //| Only OffLine convert history from 1M Period | //| to M5, M15, M30, 1H, 4H, 1D in one time | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright © 2005, MetaQuotes Software Corp." #property link "http://www.metaquotes.net" //#property show_inputs #include <WinUser32.mqh> //extern int ExtPeriodMultiplier=5; // new period multiplier factor int ExtHandle = -1; static int ArrPeriod[]; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| script program start function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { if(Period() != PERIOD_M1) { Print("Start Period Must be M1."); return(0); } ArrayResize(ArrPeriod, 8); ArrPeriod[0] = 5; ArrPeriod[1] = 15; ArrPeriod[2] = 30; ArrPeriod[3] = 60; ArrPeriod[4] = 240; ArrPeriod[5] = 1440; ArrPeriod[6] = 10080; ArrPeriod[7] = 43200; int i, start_pos, i_time, time0, last_fpos, periodseconds; double d_open, d_low, d_high, d_close, d_volume, last_volume; int hwnd = 0, cnt = 0; //---- History header int version = 400; string c_copyright = "(C)opyright 2003, MetaQuotes Software Corp."; string c_symbol = Symbol(); int i_period = 1; int i_digits = Digits; int i_unused[13]; string Comm = ""; for(int qq = 0; qq < ArraySize(ArrPeriod); qq++) { i_period = Period()*ArrPeriod[qq]; Comm = "Converting to Period (" + i_period + "), bars to end: "; //---- ExtHandle = FileOpenHistory(c_symbol + i_period + ".hst", FILE_BIN|FILE_WRITE); if(ExtHandle < 0) return(-1); //---- write history file header FileWriteInteger(ExtHandle, version, LONG_VALUE); FileWriteString(ExtHandle, c_copyright, 64); FileWriteString(ExtHandle, c_symbol, 12); FileWriteInteger(ExtHandle, i_period, LONG_VALUE); FileWriteInteger(ExtHandle, i_digits, LONG_VALUE); FileWriteInteger(ExtHandle, 0, LONG_VALUE); //timesign FileWriteInteger(ExtHandle, 0, LONG_VALUE); //last_sync FileWriteArray(ExtHandle, i_unused, 0, 13); //---- write history file periodseconds = i_period*60; start_pos = Bars - 1; d_open = Open[start_pos]; d_low = Low[start_pos]; d_high = High[start_pos]; d_volume = Volume[start_pos]; //---- normalize open time i_time = Time[start_pos] / periodseconds; i_time *= periodseconds; for(i = start_pos - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(MathMod(i, 1000) == 0) Comment(Comm + " " + i); time0 = Time[i]; if(time0 >= i_time + periodseconds || i == 0) { if(i == 0 && time0 < i_time + periodseconds) { d_volume += Volume[0]; if(Low[0] < d_low) d_low = Low[0]; if(High[0] > d_high) d_high = High[0]; d_close = Close[0]; } last_fpos = FileTell(ExtHandle); last_volume = Volume[i]; FileWriteInteger(ExtHandle, i_time, LONG_VALUE); FileWriteDouble(ExtHandle, d_open, DOUBLE_VALUE); FileWriteDouble(ExtHandle, d_low, DOUBLE_VALUE); FileWriteDouble(ExtHandle, d_high, DOUBLE_VALUE); FileWriteDouble(ExtHandle, d_close, DOUBLE_VALUE); FileWriteDouble(ExtHandle, d_volume, DOUBLE_VALUE); FileFlush(ExtHandle); cnt++; if(time0 >= i_time + periodseconds) { i_time = time0 / periodseconds; i_time *= periodseconds; d_open = Open[i]; d_low = Low[i]; d_high = High[i]; d_close = Close[i]; d_volume = last_volume; } } else { d_volume += Volume[i]; if(Low[i] < d_low) d_low = Low[i]; if(High[i] > d_high) d_high = High[i]; d_close=Close[i]; } } FileFlush(ExtHandle); if(ExtHandle >= 0) { FileClose(ExtHandle); ExtHandle = -1; } } //---- return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void deinit() { if(ExtHandle >= 0) { FileClose(ExtHandle); ExtHandle = -1; } Comment(""); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+